Friday, October 31, 2008


i am currently writing a new blog,

but you will have to find it.

It's semi-secret and written about my friends, family members, enemies, my enemies' friends, and my experiences.

The reason I am telling you this is because I will still be using this account but not as often, and i hope by my 100th post I will be finished with it.

Hope you all have an incredible Halloween.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

< 3.

You know that feeling? Like, where you are now is so perfect.
Everything is wonderful and you don't have a care in the world. The things that matter are right in front of you. You don't have to pick nor choose. It's perfect, wonderful, lovely, beautiful, peaceful, good. I have found myself here often lately, I love that. I couldn't ask for life to get any better.

There are so many wonderful things happening:

-my new car
-staying boyfree
-getting good grades
-paying off bills (almost completely)
-working out

There are the true friends standing out to me. I couldn't thank this world and the beautiful people on it enough for this wonderful experience.


Monday, October 20, 2008

in between the vanilla and amber.

It's one of those funks,
stuck in a rut.

growing up tall is tough.
tall enough to see, tall enough to be.

get over it. move on?
who here has won?

growing up tall is tough.

I shake
I pray

I saw them all behind me in the mirror
you will know when you get that feeling
you know it's bad
It feels so evil

growing up tall is tough.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

the karma is sweetly smelling of oranges and evergreens.

good energy, attracts good energy.
that's that.

p.s. i have a car, a working phone, and i will have a job very soon
i feel like a responsible adult
imagine that?

oh, and avalon comes back in one week

my heart is fluttering.

and, when I fall in love
i think i will do it right this time

that's a good feeling

Saturday, October 4, 2008

raining pouring.

I love life,
more than ever now.

The rain is a beautiful thing,

A big storm washed away the dirt in the street,
that trash we have left floating about.

Thank you God,
for bringing me peace.