Tuesday, March 10, 2009

conspicuous consumption

Do we live in a culture of conspicuous consumption?
Why does buying something for yourself make you feel so good?
Why can I justify buying myself a new tattoo but I cancel my responsibility to support a kid in Africa for under a dollar a day?
What do I need from these shops and stores and malls?
Are we giving anything back to this earth other than our bills?
The other day I looked down on my meal and looked at all the paper and plastic I use just to eat a sandwich, and I asked to my friends out-loud...

Do you even wonder if the majority of things you leave on this earth are garbage?

We work so hard for our money, we worry so much over our debts,
how much of it is being used for the good of this earth?
Sure, because you work for your money it's yours, but if you want to keep leaving behind your trash that's how you will remain living. Let's give a little more, want a little less and take responsibility for our world.

For the children,
for the children.

1 comment:

thefamousnic said...

I am so behind this. The waste factor for me alone is astounding. The plastic will last longer than my bones. A hamm radio will outlast me.